°The National Centre for the Performing Arts 1. Paul Andreu 2. December 2001 3. Beijing China 4. It is a private center 5. 300 million euros 6. Created for theatre and is the biggest theatre complex in asia 7. I picked this building because of course it looks crazy and absract but mainly because of the size. The amount of work this building must have taken to build is amazing because of the size of the building and the shape must be pushing structural boundaries. It also looks really abstract and modern on the outside but really nice and fancy on the inside. ° Kansas City Public Library 1. Dunn Construction 2. 1873 3. Kansas City Missouri 4. It is a public building 5. Originally 10,000 dollars 6. Was built to bring the community together and is known as the community bookshelf. 7. I picked this building because its is not as famous as the others but is one of the most creative buildings on this list. Even though all of the buildings on this list are crazy and cool thi...