Manipulation and Ethics

A. One point. the article made were that manipulating photos is risky and can cost you.  Another point it made was that from the moment we change a photo even the slightest bit its changing reality and is no longer the truth.

B. That there is a certain limit to photo manipulation. Although they do manipulate photo in certain circumstances. If the camera is not capturing the correct tone or fails to capture the right sounds they will alter the photo to 

C. I feel like changing the brightness is fine when altering a photo because your not really changing colors or altering things in the photo. Another things that I feel would be acceptable when catering a photo is cropping because your not changing anything within the photo your just focusing on certain parts.

This is the most unethical photo to me. The photo shows a picture of John Calhoun and Abraham Lincoln. A photographer stitched Abrahams head over Johns head. To me its the most unethical because they completely erase a person and and put someone who isn't there.

To me this is the least unethical photo. This is a magazine cover that shows two people with camels and two of the pyramids in the background. This photo is squeezed to fit the format of the magazine and nothing else. This photo is the least unethical because they are not changing things within the photo but instead changing the format of the photo.


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