5 Things
Magazine Tips: 1. Familiar recognition from issue to issue (that’s the brand) 2. Emotionally irresistible (that’s the image’s appeal) 3. Arousing curiosity (that’s to pull the casual glancer in) 4. Intellectually stimulating, interesting (that’s to promise benefits) 5. Efficient, fast, easy to scan (that’s showing off the service) Best Covers: 1 Informal 2 Formal 3 Informal 6 Enviromental 7 Informal 8 Formal 9 informal 13 Informal 15 Formal 16 enviromental 17 Formal 18 informal 24 formal 25 informal 26 formal 27 formal 29 formal 30 informal 31 formal 32 informal 33 informal 34 informal 35 enviromental 36 informal 37 informal 38 informal 39 informal 40 informal 41 enviromental 42 environmental 43 formal 44 formal 46 informal 48 informal 49 formal Best Cover: Web Description: It’s hard not to be attracted to this cover of Surf featuring a young boy poking his tongue out at the camera. It is, in the words of...