Website 1:
I learned that taking a double exposure portrait photo is as easy as taking to photos and combining them.

A. I chose this photo because its a clear and very different type of photo as the building look almost like toys.
B. The way the image is focused it creates a weird type of depth and the streets and houses create       parallel lines.
C. Jeff Meyer

A. The website was titled "6 types of photos every photographer should know how to make and included 6 images with descriptions. The images were all from different categories and were mainly photos that you edit after they are taken.
B. I learned how to create a fake tilt and shift photo, rules of taking landscape and forced perspective photos, & how basic is is to create infrared and 360degree photos.
C. It shows how to take certain types of photos.

Website 2:
I learned that its not projectors don't only have to be used on flat ground.

Screen Shot 2015-01-01 at 12.20.31 PM
A. I chose this photo because it shows how realistic the projections look but also how serene and cool they look.
B. This photo mainly uses balance with the darkness surrounding the mushrooms and the light focused on the middle of the image.
C. Tarek Mawad & Friedrich Van Schoor

A. The video showed two photographers gong out to the woods setting up projectors and cameras and shows there final products.
B. I believe the person filming was just whichever one of them was not in the shot.
C. Tarek the photographer and Friedrich the animator spent six weeks taking nature shots in the wilderness. The used projectors on plants and animals to create amazing photos.
D. i learned that this type of photography takes much more setup than normal photography.

Website 3:
I learned that this takes lots of patience to find certain types of staircases that are abstract.
old abandoned staircase from down

A. I chose this photo because it seems to be the most abstract image from the whole gallery
B. This photo uses mainly rule of lines because the sides are parallel each floor down.
C. Christian Richter

A. The website was titled "The Disorienting Beauty of Spiral Staircases in Old Abandoned Buildings" and had various types of photos of abstract abandoned stair cases. It gave description of  Christians lifestyle and how he achieves getting these photos.
B.  I learned that its more complicated than its seems because the types of staircases are rare and needs a complicated setup to get the best image.
C. It shows Christians photos and how he takes them.

Website 4:
I leaned that its takes a lot of knowledge and research to find the "oldest things in the world"

A. I chose this photo because it show the actual subject and is pleasing to the eyes.
B. This photo uses rule of lines with the lines on the tree going up and parralel
C. Rachel Sussman

A. The website is made up of various images of "the oldest things in the world". It also has the photographers reasons to take these photos.
B. I learned that the photographer takes these photos not only to have and be proud of them of benefit but to raise awareness of these things to sow how special they are.
C. It shows Rachels photos and reasons behind why she takes them.


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